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Drama Club Purdue
Drama Club Students at Purdue
Mr. Pearman and mascot high five at blue ribbon celebration
KVMS students create a human wall to direct DES students
DES and KVMS Students meet
Most Devoted Librarian!
KVMS Librarian dressed like a pirate holding a sign that tells students the book fair will be open during conferences.
KVMS Girls Basketball Team
Which will you choose?
KVMS Librarian dressed like a pirate holding a sign that tells students to return their library books or walk the plank
KVMS Girls basketball players with trophies
KVMS Girls basketball players with trophies
Students holding honor roll certificates
KVMS Track & Field
Jenna Walker led the way setting another school record in the 400 M

Jenna Walker set another school record in the 400 M

Go Kougars! KVMS football!
KVMS Football!
Boys Track and Field
2024 KVMS Football Award Winners!
2024 KVMS Football Award Winners!

News & Announcements

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School Start Times

Monday, Tuesday

Thursday, Friday

Drop Off 7:10 AM

Classes Begin 7:25AM


Late Start Wednesday

Drop Off 7:30 AM

Classes Begin 7:45 AM

Information about 2 Hour Delay Schedule

In the event of a two hour delay, KVMS will start two hours later than normal. In the event of a two hour delay on Wednesday, school will start two hours later than the normal start time (not the delayed start time). There will be no late start Wednesday on these days. 

eLearning Information

All eLearning days, regardless of scheduled or weather-related, will include synchronous instruction equal to at least 50% of the daily instructional minutes. Teachers will deliver the virtual instruction synchronously on an eLearning day. Synchronous instruction/learning occurs when classes run in real-time, with students and instructors attending together virtually from different locations. This means that teachers and students are gathering at the same time and interacting in “real-time.”

First page of the PDF file: WelcometoKVMS5thGradeParentNight_1

What is middle school? What courses are required? What time does school start? What extra-curricular activities are offered? What are the expectations?

You can find all the answers to these questions and more right here!